Sunday 26 April 2015

Skype's "Made for India" app to work on low speed network

Microsoft’s popular Internet based voice calling service 
Skype is planning to roll-out India specific version of Skype. The application specifically aims to deliver keeping India’s low speed 2G and 3G mobile network in mind. Skype also wants to target country’s popular budget smartphone segment by introducing tailor made app which runs efficiently on resource constrained, low processor speed devices.

The revamped Skype application is outcome of a research conducted by a team at Skype which tested different voice and video-over-internet apps on Indian networks, and has found its competitors like Viber were providing better service.

Microsoft’s Skype believes that India is the most important future market. Skype also thinks that the application can penetrate to reach wider audience who are present on low-end Windows-powered Nokia Lumia models like Lumia 435.
Microsoft said it is actively working with Indian government on concerns like voice-over-internet traffic for organised crime and terrorism. Skype also reiterated that it would not cooperate with governments seeking data to crush legitimate dissent and for political reasons.
The Internet based voice-calling market is getting crowded in India with apps like Viber, WhatsApp and Hike offering voice calls for free. The initiative by Microsoft to tweak their Skype app specifically for India comes at the right time to take on its competitors.

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